Potential fields summary
Raw laser readings
1st derivative
Laser scan tresholded
Filled laser scan vector

Project information

  • Category: Intelligent Robot Software
  • Project date: Dec, 2023
  • Client: Accademic project
  • GitHub: Source code
  • Main tool: ROS - Rviz - Gazebo


The goal of the project is to get the robot Tiago from the initial point Starting Pose to point PoseB by navigating through the environment that includes two rooms, corridor and obstacles.

Once Tiago reaches the PoseB, it must recognize the obstacles, cylindrical in shape, from his surroundings and indicate how many there are and their location in the room. Tiago can reach PoseB in three different ways:

  1. The first involves using the motion control low that we developed to reach PoseB directly, thus never using the Navigation stack
  2. The second implies an hybrid control: involves using a motion control low that we developed to cross the corridor and then using the Navigation stack to reach PoseB
  3. The third involves using the control low that is already there by taking advantage of the Navigation stack.


We implement an Action Client/Server structure:

  • Client: the action client receives the input from the user by command line, by providing: the x, y coordinates regarding location and yaw regarding orientation. This information will go to create PoseB that corresponds to our goal. And which of the three possible motion control laws the user want to use choosing between 1, 2, 3.

Once the goal is obtained, the client sends the information to the server. The action client also implements callbacks to the feedback of the action server, and prints the task's current status in the terminal.

  • Server: the action server executes all the tasks.
  1. First it acts as a client for the move action, used to reach our goal, sending the information to the dedicated server that will process the robot's movement, in accordance with the mode chosen as the motion control law to achieve the goal (1, 2, 3).
  2. Once the goal is reached, it subscribes to the topic /scan to get the information regarding the surroundings area. This information will then be used for locating objects and counting them.
  3. When all the information is obtained, the server returns it to the client indicating the location (in the ”base laser link” reference frame) and quantity of obstalces in the room.
Software structure

Objects detection

Our approach takes into account the following assumptions: the objects to be detected should be detached from the wall and cylindrical in shape. Informations obtained from the laser scan present on Tiago was used to detect obstacles.

Raw laser data
Raw Laser readings

The approach is as follows:

  • Using the distance data associated with a certain angle obtained from the laser scan, we calculate the derivative (understood as the difference of two consecutive values: [i]-[i-1])to detect discontinuities. This works like an edge detector in image processing, detecting the right edge discontinuities in the laser scan since the scan is counter clockwise. Such discontinuities, in fact, highlight the presence of a different object, since the difference of two consecutive points will be a very small value if they belong to the same element (e.g., the wall). Saving the obtained values in a vector having the length equal to the laser data vector.
1st derivative
1st derivative
  • Once we have obtained the vector of discontinuities, we check vector values and remove ones that are too small, choosing a threshold value of 0.5m proved to be a good value to distinguish objects and walls. In this way, we get a vector where most of the values are zero, except for the indexes where we detect the right-edge of an object.
Tresholded derivative (0.5)
Tresholded derivative (0.5)
  • Then this vector was used as a guideline to create another vector of only the data points that correspond to objects, this was accomplished by taking the original distance value (corresponding to the right-edge index of object) and keeping the following distance values until they are within a threshold in a counter-clockwise sweeping motion. We then obtain a vector with all zero values but the distance values corresponding to the various objects.
Filled laser scan vector
Filled laser scan vector
  • To find the center of the objects, knowing it is of a cylindrical shape, we choose to take the initial, halfway, final points of the singular objects and interpolate a circle. From the interpolated circle we then obtain the center point coordinates with respect to the base-laser-link-frame.
Obstacle's center computation
Obstacle's center computation

This approach also ignores all points too close to the sensor, such as parts of the robot itself. The detection was tested in various position on the map and was found to be successful in detecting the visible object and obtaining the correct center-point values.

Motion Control Law

This task was to implement a motion control law to reach a goal point that directly process the sensor data and generate velocity command for the robot in the mobile_base_controller/cmd_vel without using the move_base stack.

To achieve this, the idea was similar to the potential fields algorithm but implemented in a reactive and radial form. We computed two vectors, an attractive force vector and a repulsive force vector which are then summed to create the total force vector. This vectors have a size equal to a radius 2π×angle_increment to obtain a vector size of 1088. In this way the robot X-axis direction is the halfway point of the array, the points after this are the positive angles and the ones before are the negative angle −θ.

  • The attractive force vector was computed by first obtaining the index of the bin correspondingto the Goal heading angle, then the vector was compiled by assigning a value of 1 to this index and a linearly decreasing value for all other more distant indexes.

This means the closer you are pointing to the goal heading angle the higher attractive force value.

  • The repulsive force vector was instead computed using the LaserScan message from the scanand by setting the repulsive force to 0 if nothing was detected or was out of the laser sight and setting it to 1−g×range[i] if anything was detected, where g is the potential repulsive gain that can be tuned.
  • The total force vector was then computed summing the two previous force vectors.
Attractive potential Repulsive potential Totaol potential
Attractive - Repulsive - Total potentials

From the total force vector we can select the index corresponding to highest potential which is then used as the angular direction for the robot to follow to reach the goal and avoid collisions.

To improve this rudimental approach many steps of pre-processing were implemented.

The LaserScan data was smoothed within the 8 nearest neighbours so that the fall-off from object corners was gradual, this is needed because the robot thinks itself as a point and may believe to be able topass close to a corner without hitting it. Then an obstacle detection function was implemented which takes a cone in front of the robot as detection area where, if anything is detected inside this area, the repulsive force for the corresponding bins are incremented depending on the freespace left.

Also a fail-safe function was implemented so that if anything was detected in a ”dangerzone” (which is a semicircle of radius 0.5 from the robot and ±70◦ from the X-axis) the robot will rotate until it clears this obstacle.

After obtaining the safe best heading angle direction the velocity commands are published in the appropriate topic as a geometry_msgs::Twist_message which contains the linear velocity in the X-axis and the angular velocity in the Z-axis.

The linear velocity was computed as: v∗(π−maxPotAngle)/(π∗frontRange/2) where v is the linear velocity gain, maxPotAngleis the chosen angle with max potential and frontRange is the laser detection in front of the robot.

This results in a dynamic linear velocity that let the robot travel fast when nothing is in front of it and slow down when it has to do a turn. The angular speed was instead computed as : (maxPotAngle∗angleVelGain)/π where angleVelGain is a tunable gain value for the angle velocity.


In all three modes 1, 2, 3 once the goal is reached, the detection of the number of obstacles iscorrect and equal to four (according to our simulation).

Even when testing the detection where an obstacle was completely occluded three objects where correctly detected. The position of the centers of the cylindrical objects calculated by us corresponds to the correct one displayed through Rviz. This was tested on different goals and was successful in all cases.

Client terminal
Client terminal
Results terminal + Simulation (Gazeboo) + LaserData (Rviz)
Results terminal + Simulation (Gazeboo) + LaserData (Rviz)

As usual feel free to check the GitHub repo .