
Project information

  • Category: Artifical Intelligence
  • Colleagues: Davide Delrio, Stefano Trenti
  • Project date: May 2023
  • GitHub: Source code

What are Community Shared Urban Gardens?

Community shared urban gardens are collaborative spaces where individuals from a community come together to cultivate and maintain gardens within urban areas.

These gardens provide a shared space for growing fruits, vegetables, herbs, and flowers. These can be with fully shared plots and produce or subdivided into individual growing plots.

Advantages and Reasons

  • Promotes Sustainability
  • Improve Healt
  • Access to Fresh Produce
  • Community Building
  • Enviromental Benefits
  • Education & Beautification


  • Limited area of cultivable land
  • Water resources availability
  • Sunlight and weather conditions
  • Community Engagement & Accessibility

What is our project about?

Building an AI tool capable of:

  • Choosing which plots of available land to be assigned as urban gardens
  • Minimizing the necessary amount of land area used
  • Satisfying a minimal produce goal
  • Minimizing the distance from the plots to community that uses it
  • Taking into account the city size, population and location


We implemented the Linear Problem in a Constraint Satisfaction problem (CSP), using the Python library PuLP.

Plots of land

We hypothesized that each city has a certain number of available plots in different random locations and of different random sizes.


We divided the city population into neighborhoods, each one having a randomly chosen size within a certain range and location.


We aim to produce at least 5% of the yearly quantity of vegetables consumed by each community from their assigned plots of land

City Location

The total production of each plot depends on the city location/climate by the choice of different vegetables to grow.

Model Example: Oslo



  • 45 different neighborhoods
  • Quantity determined by the population
  • Placed randomly in the city

Some of the constraints considered for the Linear Problem are introduced here below.
Each neighborhood is associated with only one plot:

\[ \sum_{j=1}^{n} x_{ij} = 1 \hspace{1cm} \forall i\in\{1,...,m\}\]

Following, the objective function

\[min \sum_{j=1}^{n} d_j y_j + \sum_{i=1}^{m} \sum_{j=1}^{n}c_{ij} x_{ij} \]

For more details visit the GitHub repository.

Plots of land

  • 122 available plots to be selected or discarded
  • Placed randomly in the city area
  • Quantity determined by the land size of the city

The demand of all connected neighborhoods must be met:

\[\sum_{i=1}^{m} r_i x_{ij} \leq offer_j \hspace{1cm} \forall j\in\{1,...,m\}\]

Where i is the iterator for the neighborhoods; j is the one for the plots; x_ij is equal to 1 if and only if the neighborhood i is connected to the plot j; r_i is the demand regarding neighborhood i and offer_j id the production of the plot j (we considered monthly average production).

Plots of land


Choose the best combination of vegetables from a pool of 20. Chooses based on weather compatibility and average yield per squared meter required.

Considered plants
Plants Months landfill Months landfill 2 Production Time (weeks) Min Temperature Max Temperature Yield per SQM
1 GARLIC October-February - 16 -5 25 1.0
2 BROCCOLI March-April - 16 -5 35 1.0
3 CARROTS February-September - 10 15 35 4.0
4 KALE April-September - 8 5 35 1.0
5 ONIONS October-November March-May 12 0 30 3.0
6 GREEN BEANS January-December - 7 10 35 3.0
7 CHICORY February-March July-September 8 5 25 3.0
8 LETTUCE April-July - 6 10 25 3.0
9 EGGPLANT March-June - 9 15 35 4.0
10 MELON March-June - 10 15 40 4.0
11 POTATOES February-March September-October 16 10 25 4.0
12 CHILI PEPPER April-July - 8 15 40 0.5
13 BELL PEPPER March-June - 8 15 40 4.0
14 PEAS October-April - 8 0 30 1.0
15 TOMATOES March-April - 10 15 35 4.0
16 RADICCHIO May-July - 8 -5 25 3.0
17 SPINACH February-October - 8 10 30 2.0
18 CABBAGE June-September - 10 -5 25 5.0
19 PUMPKIN March-June - 15 15 40 13.0
20 ZUCCHINI February-August - 6 10 40 3.0

City Location

Based on the city location in the world we gather statistic information about the weather of the prior year to make a wide monthly prediction about the climate for the following year and choose the most appropriate vegetable to plant.

avg temp on each month
Choices for Oslo
Choices for Naples

Output Example

Each neighborhood is connected to the selected plot. All unused plots are deleted. Only 20 available plots are needed to be used as a urban gardens to satisfy the produce requirement of the community.

Optimized neighborhoods connection


Many improvements can be performed, this is just a demo required for a school project. Indeed, only 5 cities have been tested and only 20 kind of plants have been selected. This project should be pretty robusts to the implementation of the tests regarding more cities and any kind of plant.

A neaural network can be implemented too, maybe one which recognizes plant and notice the owner to water it or to trash the plant if it looks bad.. so many options are available.

Thank you for reading my paper, if you have any suggestions or corrections do not hesitate to contact me :).